Victim paradigm vs. Empowered paradigm: A lesson in gentleness

The victim paradigm has three points: Victim, perpetrator, rescuer. Acting as rescuer, attackers see the world as a cruel place where innocence is unprotected. They pose as friendly, searching for attackers. They assume a solution with a goal of repairing the wound and punishing the perpetrator. Rescuers defend their right to see the world through…

The demographics of atheism, what it is, and how to prove the existence of God.

Being from the USA, then spending time in Europe, I’m acutely aware that I’m in the land of atheists. Studies indicate… “Self-reported atheism are among the highest in Western nations, again to varying degrees: United States (4%), Italy (7%), Spain (11%), Great Britain (17%), Germany (20%), and France (32%).” Being in the UK has made…

London by Tony

It’s May 21, 2013, and I am in a land that worships time. London, (or fortress ruler), where time is strictly enforced. Ironically, yesterday, my nose led me to the British Museum where I instinctively walked right to the Mayan exhibition. I was instantly transported back to Yaxchilan, in Chiapas Mexico. Here I was able…

How to be truly fearless enough to live fully

  Fearlessness is a result of self-assuredness, not conditions. With good listening to our inner voice, we are told where to go and what to do, and need have no fear. I started (this) life in Miami, when I fell from Heaven.  I find similarities in this world, but only really with people who are…

Do you listen to lies or the truth?

A roomie likes Guns ‘n Roses REALLY LOUD… to use for voice practice. I haven’t been able to determine if or when it’s going to start or how long it will last. I lost the headphones I was using to block the offensive suggestions and to listen to my music, so as not to disturb…

Prayer requests for miracles of all kinds

So, you have a need. Always begin here, with a prayer request.  This is the ultimate service we offer one another. Decide what you want and be specific. After sending your prayer request, or if you’re not sure, read this: Questions about prayer: WHAT SHOULD WE PRAY FOR? I think everyone should experience abundance in these…

Certain existence of Spirit

The Holy Spirit and angels are referenced commonly by those who have deduced the truth with a peaceful and open mind. The essence of trust, and walking in certainty lies in the awareness of your “comforting friend”, who’s found by entering the holy instant, with Him. What does this mean, really? Well, your mind can…

Looking fear and lack in the eye!

Today I was feeling particularly strong, so I went out in search of beggars to minister to them and put a coin in their cup, or whatever inspired me.  I saw them as teachers of the world, teaching fear and lack, with a sad countenance. At this point, I had seen this as a request…