Certain existence of Spirit

The Holy Spirit and angels are referenced commonly by those who have deduced the truth with a peaceful and open mind.

The essence of trust, and walking in certainty lies in the awareness of your “comforting friend”, who’s found by entering the holy instant, with Him. What does this mean, really?

Well, your mind can be in greater and greater states of peaceful contemplation when you’ve resolved the past through forgiveness, which comes from seeing properly, and judging as God judges, all things innocent and with a loving purpose. It takes trust to know this.

But how do I grow my trust? Simply, by doing miracles. What does that mean? Offer God’s love to anyone with a simple willingness to know perfect peace for each of you, with all things resolved.

To cross the barriers to peace and allow the quietly-speaking One to convey its further inspiring voice, and somehow motivates us to do all sorts of things. One that we can check in with whenever a decision is necessary. The One who speaks for your Father, and is aware of everything, allowing miracles and teaching with simple contrast of Truth and illusion.

Are you certain?

If not, you are, to whatever degree, insane.

Yes, that’s right. Insanity comes from not seeing things properly. How do you know if you’ve seen something properly?

Well, are you at perfect peace, absolutely certain of the outcome of all things, and confident that the way you travel takes you deeper into perfect comfort and peace?

I bless you now with the Heavenly Hosts, our angels.

This man knows how to beg creatively. He puts out his cup and rakes in the dough at Park Guell, just sitting, occasionally making unexpected gestures with the cloth in front of him, scaring each little kid that puts a coin in his cup.

The other day, when I was feeling particularly strong and inspired while walking, and I shot the pictures of the beggars I encountered, I allowed my inner voice to instruct me.  I didn’t doubt what it was telling me.

Most of the beggars were the same people I’d been walking past for more than a month while walking through the city for exercise and prayer.

If you consider the fact that we’re all teaching at all times, these people are simply teaching a worldly lesson.

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