Your family needs you

Some ask if I have family, and each time I joined a spiritual community, I felt like I had a family who not only appreciated me, but also shared my values. And Aria, goes on to support this with a caveat. When you mention joining a spiritual community and feeling like you had a family…

London by Tony

It’s May 21, 2013, and I am in a land that worships time. London, (or fortress ruler), where time is strictly enforced. Ironically, yesterday, my nose led me to the British Museum where I instinctively walked right to the Mayan exhibition. I was instantly transported back to Yaxchilan, in Chiapas Mexico. Here I was able…

Certain existence of Spirit

The Holy Spirit and angels are referenced commonly by those who have deduced the truth with a peaceful and open mind. The essence of trust, and walking in certainty lies in the awareness of your “comforting friend”, who’s found by entering the holy instant, with Him. What does this mean, really? Well, your mind can…

Looking fear and lack in the eye!

Today I was feeling particularly strong, so I went out in search of beggars to minister to them and put a coin in their cup, or whatever inspired me.  I saw them as teachers of the world, teaching fear and lack, with a sad countenance. At this point, I had seen this as a request…

Europe Travel

My first experience of Europe was completely and totally amazing and wonderful beyond my wildest expectations. It all started when in Palenque, I met the illustrious Lwx Votan along with many others who were caught up in all the Maya and natural time calendar activities.   Lwx invited me to assist with the opening of…

Blackbirds in Mexico

One day while hiking around on Isla Mujeres in the Yucutan Peninsula of Mexico, I came across a blackbird making lots of noise. She was screaming, perhaps about not being able to eat a certain caterpillar, who was climbing a vertical wall below where miss blackbird was perched… Enjoy the best of the best and…

Look for happiness

As a lover of life, I look for certain characteristics of God’s teachers in people I meet. It can be said that one gentleman, who I had the pleasure of meeting during my stay in Ocean Shores, WA, clearly has the characteristic of Joy. Michael works as a waiter and had I not encountered on…


Good news for you people needing a job or a good place to put your investment dollar. <WARNING: this message contains sarcasm> You too can own stock in CCA leader in the business of corrections (AKA punishment and imprisonment of our brother) Their stock is doing quite well, (XNYS:CXW) they’ve got lots of jobs! Go…