From Victim to Empowered to Awake
– by Anthony Fogleman
In this world, we experience three distinct phases as we waken to Truth:
Phase 1: Victim
Once we identify with our body fully (usually around age 7) we (often) see ourselves as vulnerable, weak, and helpless … in short, a victim. We look out and see others the same way. We are unclear on our ability to change this within, and we struggle with forms, trying to achieve peace.
Phase 2: Empowered
When we learn to tap into the power that lies within ever so slightly, it’s like a tsunami, and changes our world from one of victims to empowered beings with power to create their dream as they believe. Naturally, we see ourselves and others through the same beliefs, automatically laying all our values onto them as well. We use this power to manifest the life we always knew would joyful. With this simple act, we begin to reclaim our inheritance. Many here can be said to aspire to this point of waking, and cannot see how to go further.
Phase 3: Enlightened
Once the dream no longer is peopled with frightening figures, we are able to settle into ever greater peace of mind. This is the condition necessary for us to ask within ourselves, and to hear the answer, our perfect guidance, which we use to connect and to love all equally. We happily learn they’re all just like us regardless of how insane their dreams may have been! We are a happy element in their dream, gentle & defenseless, inspiring. Because everyone has the option to insist on an unhappy dream, we can go within ourselves to heal this vision when we return to peace. We begin to see with vision, using this seeing to shed light where love was once hidden from view, and we do miracles. We offer blessings of miracles and we have fun with them, ever mindful that perfect happiness is our inheritance, and that we can only be happy when we see others as happy. When we offer miracles in each moment, our waking moments are joyful as well as when we lie in rest at night. In this phase, brief periods of wakefulness expand (so I’m told) to eventually take the place of sleep (forgetfulness) entirely, and we can say that we’ve been healed. We look out on a healed world, holding no grievances, but only gratitude, and we rise in prayer. Our rising attracts others also ascending, and we celebrate life together.
I am experienced at doing Spiritual Mind Treatments, and I offer them for FREE! This practice is used at the first two levels, as we establish our happy dreams.
In the Course in Miracles, Spiritual Mind Treatment (Science of Mind method) is described as “bring truth to fantasy”, and urges us to go beyond them. It is not a manual for creating molding an illusion, but for waking to Truth.
It assumes you have already entered fully the second phase, evidenced by what you are reading… It encourages you to do the opposite, and bring illusion to truth.
“Think you that you can bring truth to fantasy, and learn what truth means from the perspective of illusions? 2 Truth has no meaning in illusion. 3 The frame of reference for its meaning must be itself. 4 When you try to bring truth to illusions, you are trying to make illusions real, and keep them by justifying your belief in them. 5 But to give illusions to truth is to enable truth to teach that the illusions are unreal, and thus enable you to escape from them. 6 Reserve not one idea aside from truth, or you establish orders of reality that must imprison you. 7 There is no order in reality, because everything there is true.” T-17.I.5.4
Returning to the reason for this message, if you find yourself feeling the victim, and wish to at least have a happy experience, but you insist on holding grievances – just wishing for a miracle – you can ask for a miracle instead.
It works like this: You ask me (or someone who is clear on Truth) to know for you that… ex., you have a comfortable home, feel good about it, the price is right, you are permitted to stay as long as you like… have lucrative work you love… that you love the people you encounter, live and work with… that your work feels good and satisfies you… and anything else that is first cause (your ultimate desire).
In the realm of mind, I can know for you that you are peaceful, inspired, and energized, remembering your purpose, guided perfectly by Spirit, etc… All these things are beyond form, and are yours already, but you may not be experiencing it this way, and can benefit from another who shares his/her knowing for you.
Don’t be embarrassed about where you are at. I am also learning still, and I benefit, along with everyone else when you heal the part of the One Mind you call your own. Ultimately, all of Mind is shared in Truth. You should be happy that your desire to separate has no effect on reality.
I will treat for any number of things in 4 categories: Health of Body, Relations, Finance, and Expression. These are the parts of the “dream” that represent our experience in the world (as illusory as it may be). It is our experience that matters, and that is determined by how we see it. It is our seeing that is healed, and the world around us takes form by that vision. It is good and right to have a happy dream… if you don’t believe me, ask Carole Antun? (everyone loves Carole).
We will all awaken from the dream together…
I used to charge for this service, but the Course explains that I must not do so. So, I offer the miracle for FREE instead, and I understand also that I benefit with each healing. Many people are working on creating their happy dream, but as they grasp, are disappointed.
Don’t let this happen any longer than necessary! Ask for and offer miracles instead. They are available to us when we share a common goal, and let the light of love that is in us to dispel all fears, and show us our perfection, innocence, unlimited potential and eternal nature (the Truth), guiding each thought, word and action in the eternal moment.
– ‘Tony Ray’ Fogleman?