
The past is our remembrance of guilt asking to be forgiven, and fear of an unforgiven past is projected into a thing we call “the future”. Each becomes our way to find the present where love’s remembrance becomes the gift we freely give, and forgiveness our only function. … and further, to understand the true…

In Gratitude for Yogi Amrit Desai

Dear ones, In my quest for truth, again I remind myself of my many blessings, of which today I reminisce my youth. I’m indeed very blessed, I am, to live a life colored by the deep and profound inspiration I received while living among a Guru and his disciples, my chosen spiritual family during the…

Dream of Camelot

Reflections on this work that changed my life and showed me that what I entertain in my mind will certainly come about.

Look past dreams today: Lesson 153

Enjoy the full lesson with audio: Lesson 153 We look past dreams today, and recognize that we need no defense because we are created unassailable, without all thought or wish or dream in which attack has any meaning. Now we cannot fear, for we have left all fearful thoughts behind. And in defenselessness we stand…

Loving my Life

Dear ones, As you know, I’ve been studying A Course in Miracles. This is a doctrine that clarifies the differences between truth and illusion. I understand the author, when he explains that it is a required course. I am very pleased to engage any discussion on this course of waking that the Course encourages. Thank…


— a special article assignment by Anthony Fogleman December, 07, 2004 — Practitioner training I Not long ago, I heard it said for the first time: “We live in a perfect universe.” I thought that perhaps the speaker was confused or delusional. I have begun to understand what he meant, and now, I agree that…

I am a humble student of truth

I am a humble student of truth. With a rather long history of seeking truth, altogether unconcerned with opinions, religious or otherwise, my quest began immediately following high school, in 1979, when I chose to live at a Yoga ashram and study under the masters of Yoga, Amrit Desai and Swami Kripalvananda. During the last…